Baptism or Christening?
They are the same! Often we call Baptism “Christening”. The word Christening links with “Christ” - it means “anointed” . Being christened or baptised is about becoming like Jesus: someone with love, forgiveness, hope, joy. God’s Holy Spirit promises to help us be like that for ourselves, our families and for other people. In Jesus God defeats evil and helps us work to build a community of love and care for all the world. We call that community the Church.
If you want to find out more about the meaning of Baptism read on to the end of this page. (We hope you will!) But if you just want some quick practicalities about Baptism at st. Nicholas... here they are :
Can my baby be baptised ?
Yes! Get in touch with us.
When are Baptism Services at Gosforth St. Nicholas?
Baptisms generally happen during our 10 o'clock family Eucharist service on a Sunday morning.
Do we need to attend worship beforehand?
We would like you to come to Sunday 10 am.Eucharist at least two or three times before your baby’s baptism. That way you will feel more at home. There is a Sunday School for older children. After Eucharist there is coffee and we love to meet new people.If your baby is being baptised on a Sunday afternoon we also ask that you come on the following Sunday to Parish Eucharist so that we can welcome your baby into the whole Church Family.
Who can be godparents?
A baby normally has at least three godparents. They should be practising Christians. Godparents make the promises on behalf of the child and then pray for the child as s/he grows up so that s/he becomes a faithful member of the Christian Community.
What does Baptism cost?
Nothing! Of course, we do ask you to think about supporting the church so that we can offer God's love to others.
Who do I contact ?
Ring Fr Paul on 0191 285 1326, or email